Driving Tip #12
A single individual can prevent or create stop-and-go rush hour traffic. How each of us reacts to those around us determines how much (if any) deceleration gets perpetuated.

A single individual can prevent or create stop-and-go rush hour traffic. How each of us reacts to those around us determines how much (if any) deceleration gets perpetuated.
Being able to eliminate a portion of deceleration rather than compounding it IS how to eliminate most traffic congestion. It can also be the difference in wether an accident occurs or not. But as the tip says, taking everything into consideration is key. Your surroundings, what’s farther ahead, your gap distance, the skills of the person braking and why they are braking, to name a few.
Consciously mastering our own accelerations and deceleration is how to maximize efficiency and safety. It requires honest analysis, reading traffic, timing and testing.
How often do you consciously work on the timing of your accelerations and decelerations?
Do you actively learn about why someone uses their brakes? Is it because they are maintaining a specific gap or reacting to someone else or because they are trying to maintain a specific speed? Knowing ‘why’ can be powerful information to help increase your efficiency, prevent traffic congestion and even an accident.
The more that this can be prevented, the fewer accidents there will be, which means an increase in efficiency and decrease of congestion for millions of people.
Many experts use their peripheral vision and look in their mirrors a dozen times a minute. Sometimes a lot more. And they do this without taking focus off of what’s ahead of them.
The goal is to build your ‘reading traffic’ skills to a level where you can safely look in your mirrors without it distracting you from what’s ahead.
Looking over your shoulder is also a viable way to see what’s going on behind you, but as you continue to increase skills with mirrors, you’ll notice that you get more information in a quicker amount of time with less effort, less distraction and less deceleration by using your mirrors properly on a regular basis.
There is no ‘one way’ to set mirrors. What you want to know is where your mirrors are aiming for you. Personally, I like to see just a sliver of the side of my automobile in my side mirrors.
The key is to not have to move your head or adjust your body in order to see in any of your mirrors. …To be able to see in each by just moving your eyes so that even when you aren’t consciously looking, your subconscious is still taking in what is going on behind you and next to you. And when consciously looking, you can update and validate information with a glance.
The more you are aware of your surroundings, the less hesitation and unnecessary deceleration that usually occur, which means an increase in efficiency for you and others.
Mirrors are an invaluable, life saving tool. Do you only use mirrors when you need them? Or are they something you continually use to read traffic and learn about those around you?
‘Reading traffic’ is about a lot more than observing and reacting to brake lights. It’s about observing a driver’s actions and reactions, as well as their awareness, timing, communication and handling skills so that you can learn about them and better predict their next action. And in doing so, better calculate your next move.
The more we can be proactive rather than blindly reactive, the smoother traffic will flow, the fewer accidents initiated and the more efficient we can all be.
This has as much to do with safe driving and preventing accidents as it does with being efficient and increasing fuel efficiency!
Much of what we are told about ‘being fuel efficient’ and ‘increasing fuel efficiency’ is misinformation. In fact, much of what many professionals preach is actually detrimental to your overall fuel efficiency and is why almost nobody achieves their estimated miles per gallon.
For example, we are often told that 1) slowing down is the best way to be efficient, or that 2) accelerating slowly is ideal, or that 3) going one speed (especially the speed limit) is most efficient, or that 4) accelerating is never in the best interest of efficiency. The fact of the matter is, is that some of those are only true on occasion. They definitely aren’t true all of the time or even a majority of the time. And some are rarely ever true at all. Yet it’s what we were taught.
You want the truth? I’ll give you some insights here to back up my claims and to prove my expertise. …I do this to help you increase efficiency and safety and to also encourage you to get my latest Amazon Kindle book, ‘How To Get Better Than Your Estimated MPG/KPL: The 9 Elements of Mastering the Art of Efficiency That Prevent Millions of Accidents And Saves Lives, Daily!’, which has hundreds of insights that help you increase efficiency, situational awareness, skills and overall safety.
1) Most all unnecessary deceleration actually hurts your fuel efficiency. Not only that, it often creates traffic congestion and can initiate accidents.
2) Most people accelerate too slowly to be most efficient. There is an ideal speed at which to accelerate, which depends on your vehicle’s gear ratio, surroundings, skills and other factors. I call it ‘acceleration sweet spot’.
3) Maintaining one speed seems like it would be efficient, doesn’t it? It is more efficient than some of the other beliefs, but it can still be improved on. …There is an ideal speed at which to travel (I call it ‘traveling sweet spot’) and it changes depending on your vehicle, what gear you are in, the road you are on, the traffic around you and how well you read traffic ahead and use the gap in front of you.
4) In addition to your initial acceleration (from an intersection or turn, for example) there are also times when extra acceleration is absolutely in the best interest of efficiency. Not only that, it can be downright lifesaving! …There are literally thousands, if not millions, of accidents that are avoided every day BECAUSE someone chose to accelerate safely and timely.
(Here’s where to go and get the book …and leave a review when ready.)
But like I said, you won’t hear much of that anywhere else! Most people are too afraid of the implications of even mentioning the idea of accelerating. Not me! The reason why is because not only do I see and share the value of accelerating at proper times, I also don’t tell you or anyone ‘how to drive’.
Not once in the entire book do I tell someone what to do or not do. To the contrary, I advocate 100% personal responsibility. Responsibility to think for ourselves, to question what we are taught (even me) and to increase our handling and reading traffic skills.
With all of that said, I truly hope you see that what I have to share with you is unique, profound and life-saving. And they aren’t just tips. This is some serious, profound, deeply integrated knowledge that you will hold onto and utilized virtually every time you get behind the wheel.
And once you do get the e-book. I would really appreciate an Amazon review. Because as you probably know, the more reviews, the better a book performs. So, by simply giving a review, you are actually playing a part in helping prevent traffic congestion and accidents!
…The more we band together, the quicker society’s traffic habits will change for the better. It really comes down to people like you and me who want a more evolved driving society.
Thank you for your time, purchase and participation. Together we can make a difference.
Academy of Road Mastery
As we start to prepare videos that will help reduce traffic congestion, accidents and fatalities, I thought it important to create a post that shares all of our social networks.
Joining and following along on multiple platforms is how you can play a strategic and important role in helping evolve society’s driving standards. Not only can you impact the lives of those around you, a simple ‘like’ or ‘share’ can also help save a life across the country or around the world!
Here are all of the current platforms to join us on.
Thanks for joining us on this journey! I look forward to providing you and the world with valuable, empowering content.
Drive Smart
Academy Of Road Mastery
Each of these 9 Elements play an important part in knowing ‘how to get better than your estimated miles per gallon/kilometers per liter’. Not only do they increase fuel efficiency, each also plays a part in increasing overall safety and preventing accidents and fatalities.
This is taken directly from the Table of Contents of How To Get Better Than Your Estimated MPG/KPL: The 9 Elements of Mastering the Art of Efficiency That Prevent Millions of Accident And Saves Lives, Daily!
Also included below is Part II of the T.O.C. which is about how we can individually help others be safer, happier and more efficient, behind the wheel. And by doing so, we ourselves can become even more safe, happy and fuel efficient.
Mission Statement
Part I: The 9 Elements to Achieving Maximum Fuel Efficiency
Element 1: Belief – “Do you know why you believe what you do?”
Element 2: Maintenance – “The second biggest reason why many don’t achieve their EMPG/EKPL.”
Element 3: Sweet Spots – “When was the last time you reached for your sweet spot?”
Element 4: Advanced Reading Traffic Skills and Techniques – “The more you can see, the more you can save.”
Element 5: The Root Cause of Traffic Congestion – “Be on the lookout for ‘Ude’es everywhere!”
Element 6: The Art of Avoiding, Eliminating and Preventing Traffic Congestion – “The art that saves lives, time and money!”
Element 7: Communication – “The question isn’t ‘if you communicate, or not’. It’s ‘what do you communicate?’!
Element 8: Timing – “Timing isn’t everything, but it can definitely increase your fuel efficiency and save your life!”
Element 9: Appreciation for Momentum – “From start to finish!”
PART II: For Others… “It’s not always all about you (or me)!”
-Out on the Road
-Those in our Life
-Across the Country and around the world
-Special Offer and Request
(Please take special notice of the offer to help share this ‘Around the World’ and raise millions for worthy charities.)
As you may have noticed, this fuel efficiency driver’s guide is about a lot more than just increasing your fuel economy (miles per gallon/kilometers per liter). It’s a book about increasing over driving skills and driver education. It’s about taking personal responsibility to a much higher level in order to significantly reduce the probability of creating traffic congestion or getting in an accident.
As a matter of fact, many of the tips and techniques do prevent millions of accidents and save thousands of lives, every day! I’m positive that you’ve already used many of them to do just that.
If you haven’t yet, do yourself and your family the favor of getting your Kindle e-book. (Physical copies will be available soon, at twice the price.)
‘How To Get Better Than Your Estimated MPG/KPL’ is a fully integrated drivers guide on how to master fuel efficiency and increase overall driving skills. It addresses 9 key elements that not only help you increase your fuel economy and overall miles per gallon/kilometers per liter but also dramatically increase awareness, safety and ‘reading traffic’ and communication skills.
No matter what your current driver education is, if you appreciate safety, mastery, freedom or personal responsibility, you really do want to get, familiarize and share these profound insights. (…from the book, the newsletter, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.) They truly are how society’s driving standards will evolve to one of less traffic congestion and fewer accidents and fatalities.
Much detail went into making this manuscript compatible no matter what side of the road you drive on. As well as, not using limiting conclusive statements like ‘have to’, ‘best’, ‘only’ or ‘all’. Also, nowhere in this entire manuscript will you see me tell someone how to drive or what to do or not do!
This is a first attempt at auto-publishing a roadmastery.com blog post to my Facebook feed and to ARM’s Facebook page and Twitter page.
If this happens to work, I’m curious how it looks to everyone. If you would quickly let me know, it would be much appreciated.
To view the website homepage where all of the site info is, visit roadmastery.com.